Make your own liquid soap from a bar soap with no added chemicals and say good-bye to plastic bottles!

No matter how crazy you may or may not be about protecting the environment, surely you do not wish to have added chemicals in your liquid soap.
Well, here is an answer for you. MAKE your own! It is so easy and as a benefit, you can add any scent you like and save some money too… :)

What you need:

  • 100g bar soap (any type of soap seems to work) – it can be a basic soap with no scent or one of your favourite scented ones. My choice soap 5would be any organic vegetarian or vegan soap with no extra additives and not tested on animals.
  • 600ml boiled water
  • essential oils (optional)
  • a hand blender
  • a bowl
  • a cheese grater
  • a bottle for a liquid soap


  1. Start with grating the entire bar into flakes (looks a bit like grated cheese :) ) place in a bowl big enough to hold about 1 litre of water.
  2. Add 600ml of boiled water. Mix properly with a spoon or fork.
  3. Leave to settle overnight or for at least 8 hours. The surface should become quite hard and a bit spongy.
  4. Take a hand blender, dip it in and use the slow speed to liquidise the settled soap. If you prefer more liquid, add some extra hot water. It is easier to add more water than to grate more shavings from another bar of soap, so go slowly to find the right consistency for you.
  5. Finally, you can add any scent you like by using essential oils (lavender, peppermint, tea tree, rose… ) I am using NHR Organic oils. Make sure that you follow the instructions on the bottle as they can be very concentrated so you usually need just a few drops. Mix well.
  6. Place your lovely new liquid soap into any bottle you wish. It can be used for hands and body and from one bar of soap you will make more than 0.5 litres of liquid soap, so you save some money too! I usually store mine in a big bottle and top up my small bottles for daily use when needed.


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Say NO to buying new plastic bottles and to any chemical additives.

Enjoy your own new soap. Your hands and your body will love it!

And it can be a great gift for your friends too :)




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