Full relaxation x Active relaxation
For a long time, I knew only two types of relaxation – sleep and active relaxation. What I didn’t know was that our body and mind can actually rest in a much more profound way. This beautiful practice is called Full relaxation or sometimes Proper/Complete relaxation.
When one practices Full relaxation all voluntary muscles, tendons and joints are in complete rest. The mind is at peace, focused, not asleep – following the breath, connecting to the body, listening to the body, being with your true self. There is no activity in one’s voluntary muscles and there is no external stimulation to the mind or to the body as it is during Active relaxation. Active relaxation is a traditional way of relaxing (such as sitting or lying down and reading a book, sitting on the sofa and watching a film, going for a walk or run etc.) During all these activities one’s voluntary muscles and joints need to perform some kind of activity and/or one’s mind keeps receiving some kind of external stimulation which means that one’s body and mind are not fully relaxed.
Full relaxation can be practised anytime and anywhere but it will be most likely included in your yoga practice. The best position for Full relaxation is Savasana – Corpse pose.
Initial relaxation is a very important part of the yoga practice as during this precious time one prepares the body and mind for the pranayama and asana practice. The more relaxed one’s body is, the deeper one can go into each asana. One’s breath will flow easier through the body during Pranayama practice (breathing exercise) and will be able to enjoy and relax in all postures without any resistance. The more relaxed and focused one’s mind is, one can hold asana for a longer period of time in complete peace, one becomes more balanced and can develop more joy and peace within.
Relaxation during the yoga session and Final relaxation are important to deepen the effect of various asanas, give one the opportunity to listen to one’s body and help one to develop inner peace within. Ones one establishes the practice of yoga, one will be able to listen to the body and develop complete peace during the practice of asanas as much as during the relaxation time. The Final relaxation with meditation can even deepen one’s understanding of the body and mind and the connection to one’s true self on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.
Most of us have experience of lying down and waiting and waiting until the relaxation part is over. We were completely missing the point or simply were not able to relax. We couldn’t stop moving with our limbs, couldn’t keep our eyes closed, our mind was buzzing with things that needed to be done or reviewing what had been done during the day – we just couldn’t stay still for a while, finding ourselves agitated and frustrated.
If you ever find yourself in this situation, just don’t worry. Everyone needs to find the path and the gate to Full relaxation, and everyone will. Take a few moments when you wake up and just before you fall asleep. Lie down in Savasana in your bed and practice the Full relaxation for a few moments. You find yourself refreshed in the morning and calm and peaceful in the evening.
I just love seeing how everyone, over time, finds the peace within and let go.
The view of lying relaxed bodies is so rewarding!
Thank you all my yoginis and yogis
Source: Personal experience and practice.
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